AIR BAG : AirBag is an important equipment in vehicles . bescause of it one can save their life. Proper servicing of vehicles is mandatory .if one wants to secure and save the vehicle they must service it often . we are taking about AirBag reset here ..... AIR BAG STEP BY STEP AIR BAG RESET PROCESS: 1. Firstly we just remove the ECM from the vehicle. 2. CG-100 device is needed for resetting an ECM of AirBag .we connect the ECM to CG-100. 3 .Then we have to see that the software contains PROCESSOR or ECM . 4 .The software of CG-100 have processors , then go to the air bag option and from their check your vehicle their . 5. Select your vehicle and then you found the processor number of your vehicle and thats the number present in your ECM also. 6. While clicking the processor we get the PIN DIAGRAM , the pin diagram which appears is same as the unit of AIR BAG . 7. We can make co...